my spindle

R. Eliezer answered her: There is no wisdom in woman except with the spindle (pelech). Thus also does Scripture say: And all the women that were wise-hearted did spin with their hands...*b. yoma 66b* there are wise women who do more than spin...

Friday, March 25, 2005

nakedness of women....and others, too (daf 24)

(i admit to being a bit lax about blogging lately. i'm learning the daf, just not writing about it. oh yeah, and not always on each day, but i'm doing it! but i couldn't let this one by without a blog:-)

Today's daf (berachot 24) contains some discussion of the appropriateness of reciting the bedtime Shema while naked in bed with another person (either your wife -- remember these were men talking -- or another man that you happened to be sharing the bed with....hmmm...). And then it goes on to discuss other aspects of "nakedness":

Rav Chisda said: The thigh of a woman is considered nakedness (ervah)...Shmuel said: the voice of a woman is considered nakedness (ervah), as it is stated: "for your voice is sweet and your countenance comely." Rav Sheishet said: The hair of a woman is considered nakedness.

Interesting. These "naked" things are pretty much the basis, I believe, for many of the concepts of modesty -- can't wear pants, can't sing in public, have to cover the hair....I wonder why it is that there isn't a similar discussion about that which is considered "nakedness" for MEN that might be distracting to WOMEN?

p.s. there's a small bit that I chuckled over. (is one allowed to chuckle over Talmud? well, I did.) If one is sleeping naked, but covered entirely by a cloak, and is able to stick his head out of the cloak, then he can recite the Shema, so his nakedness is overed. But, it says, how can this work: "his heart still sees his nakedness" -- and I had to giggle, because it made me think of the line: "I'm naked under my clothes!" -- which, I suppose, we all are, all the time. Just a thought.